February 22 - Who Knew?
Emeryville ensemble proved to be a delightful and expert group -- had a great time conducting a read-through of the Bohuslav Martinu Nonet (a very late work), which they will perform on March 10 and 13 -- SFCCO will prevent my attendance at former date, of course, but perhaps I can attend the latter.
Ted Rust's studio, where the deeds were done, is in a warehouse almost directly under Powell Street in Emeryville -- intriguing -- somewhat akin to Paul Dresher's impressive space in Oakland....
In lab today to record Mice and Men, Act I, H ("I don't want no ketchup") -- full score still in manuscript, but planning to use Cubase keyboard entry to prepare a MIDI score, which would be pretty much a first for me...
Just heard from friend Eric Mitchko -- one of my former students at Westtown School -- who is brand new to myspace and now with Atlanta Opera. Wow!