April 19 - Assembled Forces

I evidently crashed and burned the yahoo address by immediately using it to alert folks about Halfway Mark -- oh, well.

Meanwhile, astoundingly enough, the dress rehearsal at Paul Dresher's went off with nary a hitch. Fine renditions, pretty much kept on schedule until the end, just about everyone on time and not lost and in good spirits. Aaron Urton proved invaluable all night, helping with set up and take down and buzzing people in through the various doors.

Rain could be heard about midway through rehearsal -- not surprising since my parents had just flown in and they perceive that bad weather always finds them during vacations....

Suzanna sick, but Aga finally makes it to rehearsal and proves a valuable addition. Overall, at least some of the rehearsal was so fine, that even if there are glitches in performance we can feel good about many of the pieces...

Spent bit of time before rehearsals neurotically putting up a plethora of signs guiding folks through the space's many passageways and other complexities, so, of course, had to take it all down after. People who parked in the enclosed second-story loading dock were temporarily trapped after rehearsal -- had to run up and down the ramp may times to let our hard-working musicians out with the key....

After dropping off Aaron, popped in for a late visit with the East Coast folks